Elizabeth {LISA} Nicole Eisenberger - Online Memorial Website

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Elizabeth {LISA} Eisenberger
Född i Pennsylvania
18 years
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Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Mahatma Gandhi


This memorial website was created to remember our dearest


 LISA(Elizabeth Nicole)Eisenberger

    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~                        ~SUNRISE~9/17/79~  Sunset~3/31/98~

 You will live in our memories and hearts forever.



At this point, Lisa was demanding change in her life. I will start hesitantly with being home. It wasnt the greatest of places to be for awhile. But soon it was better with just Mom, baby brothers Brenden & Ricky & baby sister Cindy (I asked her to come home in March when she stopped home for a visit). Then there was school, she had-had enough. I truly believe that she decided to move away because well, she was offered a place to stay up the mountains by a neighbor who had a little boy and it would be an opportunity for a fresh clean start. She was working part-time at a restaurant here & there with the woman that she moved up there with. She was also looking for work-up there all the places around were within walking distance. However, she was really excited because she had enrolled in a GED program. I'll never forget her telling me that she was "getting it" & the teacher let her explain it to the students-she said, "I was actually teaching the class!" I was really proud of her, she was on her way to a better future. She had a few friends, 1 gal had a child and this boy had a car. On the morning of Monday March 31st 1998, I had taken the boys around to look into daycares. We came home for lunch & had 1 more appt to go to. It was around noon & I was gonna call Lisa but I figured that I would talk to her later. A bit later, I sat a moment-looked at the clock it was like 12:30 & for a moment I actually thought about if something were to happen-that I have a machine-that someone could leave me a message. Never having any clue as to how that would come back to haunt me. I took the boys to  a daycare on W. Chester Pike-then to a playground right around the corner. It was the warmest day of the year so far about 85*. I forget what the exact time was, 5 or 6 pm give or take a little. There was a knock at the door, it was the police asking to come in. I let them in, they started by asking me if I have a daughter Lisa? And I was oh boy yes what did she do? They said well she was in accident, I said oh no! And they said that she was killed. I lost it immediately! I couldnt believe what I was hearing! I said are you sure? No! LISA NO! I said how?! They said that they werent sure but she was driving. I was like what?? She didnt have a car! How?? Man did my/our world turn inside out right then & there. Cindy was crying at the top of the stairs & I kept asking for her to come to me. They asked me to call someone so I called who else but my dad. Dad was over in like 5 mins. I just remember him holding me & me saying OH DARN! After a bit, I had to call the woman that she was staying with. All she could say was "Im so sorry". We talkd for awhile. I had to call my mom, her Aunt, her father, her bestest friend John-he gathered his/her friends & they all came over. I recall it being around 9pm & I had to go upstairs & leave a housefull-my dad/his wife & bring the babies upstairs & I did the daily bath & to bed-all by myself! It was the start of the most horrible time in our lives. Ill never forget hearing the birds chirping as dusk was falling after the officers told me & first sounds the next morning. For years I despised hearing birds chirping! Then came saying goodbye-it was such a devasting time. I'll never forget the cakes that were brought to the house. I recall Dad taking me to bring Lisa the outfit that I picked. On the way back I said "Dad-can we stop at BK so I can get the kids some food to eat?" Then that Monday-TELETUBBIES started on TV. For years when the boys had that on, the sound of it instantly brought me down.

 Im not sure if I want to keep this all written here like this - so Im gonna stop-sleep on it-theres more to do of course. Ill be back another day. 


Getting there for YOU LISA! Love & Miss you so very much! 


Senaste Minne
Tracy Memories September 20, 2012
Tracy I will ALWAYS love you! September 18, 2012
I was with you on that day. It was such a beautiful day. I remember when we picked you up to hang out before you had to go to work at Arthur Treachers. You looked so beautiful. You had a silver head band in your hair and that smile that could melt the polar ice caps. We pulled into Brenda's driveway and you came out looking all cute. "Don't YOU look pretty?", I said. You tossed your head from side to side and said, "What are you's guys doin'" and I said, "Nothin'. What are you doin?" We went back and forth like that for a minute until you said you wanted to hang out with us for a while before work. You were so excited about the tips you made. Definitely NOT looking forward to going back later but happy knowing you'd make more money. You had asked, Dave a week or so before that if you could drive his car and he said that once he got new tires he'd let you. That's what you wanted to do that day. Drive his red Camaro. I didn't want you to drive. I yelled at everyone. You, him but no one would listen. So, I decided I'd sit in the front seat. I thought I'd have more control over the situation if I was in the front seat and could see what was going on. I was wrong.  I stayed with you until the paramedics made me leave. I didn't want to leave. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "I'm not leaving her! I won't leave her! Please!". I screamed that until they gave me a shot and strapped me down from head to toe. I tried so hard to save you. The car was so heavy and there was so much mud. It sucked the shoes off my feet.   You always made me laugh, Lisa. You made me laugh and you made me think and you made me happy. I couldn't be at your memorial service here in Honesdale and I don't know where you were laid to rest. I do know that I stayed with you until the end. I carry you with me in my heart every day. I always think of you in some way. Something will happen and i'll think of you or I'll smell the rain and the earth and I'll think of you. I remember how we used to get on Mr. Simmons's nerves in our GED class. He called us, "Prima donna's" LOL. We were always ahead of everyone else. I remember the one day that he let us go sit away from the rest of the class because we were already done with our work and you started doing sommersaults. I remember how you would smack me if I said anything bad about myself. I also remember that damn pen with the feathery top. God! You used to annoy me with that so much! You tried to stick it up my nose on several occasions. I remember walking with you to Turkey Hill to get our lunch and then sitting in the park and eating it. I remember that one day that we were taking a test and the entire room was silent. You were sitting across from me and at the same time we both sang, "Da, da, da." Then we laughed so hard and Mr. Simmons decided we should be seperated. Of course, YOU got to go to the back where the recliners were! Figures. It was only because you said it first. I remember the way you  laughed and the eraser fight we had. I stil have the drawing on that folder you did for me. It has pictures of butterflies and the outline of your hand with different pictures inside it and my name. You had originally done one for yourself and I, of course, wanted one too. We did so much together. I remember listening to you talking about how one day you were going to swim with dolphins, that you LOVED butterflies, the color purple and Madonna. LOL. Then, I remember when you were gone. I remember not wanting to move. Not wanting to breathe. Not wanting to smile or feel anything. I wouldn't have even gone back to GED classes and got my GED if it weren't for my dear friend, Niki who also posted on here. She's the one who found this site. I didn't even know it existed.  It's been 14 years. FOURTEEN! It still feels like yesterday. I still go to Spinner Road, where it happened. It's the only place I have to go. There is no stone for you here. God, Lisa!! I miss you so much!! I finally had pizza with pineapple on it! It was about a month ago. I thought of you. Don't worry, I KNOW it was NOTHING compared to the pizza I would've gotten in Philly. LOL. I love you. I will ALWAYS love you and I will ALWAYS carry you with me. I'm sorry if this was scattered but this is the first time in fourteen years that I've had the opportunity to say these things. My love is with your family. Always. Lisa, you were beautiful in every way a human being can be beautiful. I'm sure you shine still wherever you are. I will NEVER FORGET!! NEVER!!
i remember making lisa's christening gown, white eyelet, long gown. i took it into work, at the windemere deli and everyone was making such a fuss over it, it was as pretty as she was, and she continued to become beautiful. living in stonehurst we were a family. beth, your mom , was such a part of our family, we took her with us on vacations , loved her very much. life changes as we get older and involved with our soul mates, families, friends. sometimes drifting apart in distance but not in heart and mind.  you will always be in our heart, as your mom was/is ......we will someday be together again....love you

   Lisa ~ For so long, you were the center of our universe & I enjoyed every moment. We didn't have very much back then - but we made the best of what we did have. You were so such a "PIP" for sure. I so treasure your days in dance "Being Green" in ballet & "Betty Boop" in tap & ___ in Jazz was-what?lol You really were great! And I really treasured our "Brownies" days, the meetings & especially "camping", & sleeping in the airplane section at the Franklin Institute was so kewl & my favorite!-Who gets to do that!? You were so bubbly & outgoing & so likeable. You had a blast with every Halloween & were the bestest at dressing up for it! I know that everyone adored & loved you & that makes me so proud. It seems to get harder as the years pass because there's been so much that you've missed. The disappearance of 1 of your friends, deaths of granmoms & my best friends daughter & your cousin Amanda-born the day after you! How frikin ironic is this!? We moved, I remarried & we bought a house.  Your little sister-blossomed into a beautiful young woman & graduated from high school! And your baby brothers aren't babies anymore! Ricky's 14 now, in a technical HS & has a deep voice now! And Brenden's gonna be 13 soon! Even though it's been 12 yrs now, I still can't believe it & it's still so painful. And I so wish that I could trade places. Miss & Love You Forever LISA!    

Senaste Kondoleanser
C.Bouguet My deepest condolences March 30, 2019
My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures
  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."
This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)
Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.
Mommy I miss you more then ever Lisa. October 14, 2014
I so wish that you were here. Things are changing. Your sisters been able to get it together quite nicely. And well Ricky's in college now! Well you know all of this & Brendens struggles.  Love you Forever LISA! <3 Tongue Out
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